Beneath the walls of the impressive Ackerman Fortress in modern Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, Ukraine, lies a hidden gem: the ancient city of Tyras. This 2500-year-old settlement, once a thriving Greek colony, offers a fascinating glimpse into the past and a unique opportunity to explore the layers of history that make up this region.

History and Significance:

Founded in the 6th century BC, Tyras quickly became an important trading center, connecting the Greek world with the Scythian hinterland. The city’s strategic location on the Dniester Estuary allowed it to flourish for centuries, leaving behind a rich archaeological record.

Excavations and Discoveries:

While much of Tyras remains buried beneath the modern city, excavations over the past few decades have revealed fascinating insights into its history. Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of residential neighborhoods, defensive structures, and public buildings, providing clues about the daily lives of the city’s inhabitants.

Highlights and Intriguing Finds:

One of the most intriguing discoveries at Tyras is a series of inscriptions dating back to the 5th century BC. These inscriptions provide valuable information about the city’s political and economic ties, including its membership in the Athenian Maritime League.

A Hidden Gem Waiting to be Explored:

Despite its historical significance, Tyras remains relatively unknown to the wider world. Compared to other well-known archaeological sites in Ukraine, it receives a fraction of the visitors. This is a shame, as Tyras has so much to offer those interested in ancient history and archaeology.


The ancient city of Tyras is a unique and fascinating place that deserves to be better known. With its rich history, impressive archaeological finds, and stunning setting, it has the potential to become a major tourist destination.

Call to Action:

If you’re interested in exploring the hidden history of Ukraine, be sure to add Tyras to your list. You won’t be disappointed.

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